Thursday, March 25, 2010


I stole this from a blogger friend, and thought what a great idea, naming all the things that make you "happy!". Here are a few of my favorite things...

Open windows

Dunkin Donuts French Vanilla Iced latte

The "Welcome to Tenneessee" sign as the cross the line on the way home, nothing like it.

The color Pink

The sound of my children laughing is intoxicating

Tide w/febreze laundry detergent

Pedicure with the cutest designs

fresh cut grass every Spring.

Football Time in TN :)

Lying beside my husband at night... Nothing like it

Gerber Daisies.

Old friends youve had forever, and new friends you will keep for life...

The sight of seeing Clint get off the bus on homecoming day...


Chaco sandals

Interstate 75 South-bound!

Hearing my Children say "I love you Mommy"